Stand on the R.O.C.C.K.!

Matthew 7:24-27NLV

24 “Whoever hears these words of Mine and does them, will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. 25 The rain came down. The water came up. The wind blew and hit the house. The house did not fall because it was built on rock. 26 Whoever hears these words of Mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down. The water came up. The wind blew and hit the house. The house fell and broke apart.”

Parents, you can raise children with a clear sense of their God given purpose. This course will provide guidance for you beyond traditional parenting manuals. You will use Biblical principles to guide your daily actions and interactions with your children. In the process, you will grow spiritually as well and if you haven't done so, you will discover your true purpose according to God's will.

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Veronica Primus


Veronica Primus, a 50-year veteran of educational, child development and community development organizations across several states, the Caribbean and Africa, seeks to share her deep abiding faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. As the parent of 4 children, 16 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, she has placed her hands, soul, mind and body in the loving arms of Jesus to navigate the challenges and joys of child rearing over the years. Additionally, her significant experiential and research-based knowledge in education, leadership development, child rearing, community organizing, and program development and management has led to a cultivated wisdom to be shared for the benefit of others.

Veronica has had the blessed opportunity to witness how her purpose centered teaching and leadership style has changed the lives and provided direction for thousands of children and adults. Most importantly, Veronica gives honor and praise to her parents, William and Margaret Primus, who provided a foundation on the rock of Jesus for her growth and development.

After 50 years of trial and error, she wants to share her expertise with the world. It all begins with her faith and desire to do God's will.